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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Homemade Pore Strip

So I made the homemade pore strip...

I put it on my entire face.

Probably not the best idea.

I think I took out a lot of hair that I had on my face and was never aware of...

But, It did take out some impurities in my skin as well! My skin does feel nice and smooth.
I always buy the Biore pore strips, but I have been spending soooo much money on them! So This is a great and super cheap alternative! Not only cheaper but I found it got into creases much better! I will be doing this way more often now rather than spending $15 for a box of Biore that I use sparingly lol

Pore Cleansing Strip Recipe:

1 tbsp milk

1 tbsp unflavoured gelatain

mix in a cup or bowl

microwave for 10 seconds

apply to area with a stiff foundation brush (that you dont mind getting possibly ruining, I cleaned mine immediatly and its still good )

Wait till it hardens and peel off slowly :)

I would suggest to just put it on the nose and maybe chin, but no where else unless you really have to... I took pics, but they are soo unflattering that I don't think I'll show them lol
BUT I have found a how-to video on youtube! Click here to see How to make your own :)
I hope this works for you! don't forget to say hello or tell me how you liked the recipe, if you try it!


  1. found you on twitter via Leia...girl you need another follower...me! yay!!!

    and i.am.canadian. too! woop woop!

  2. I've never heard of making your own pore strip...sounds a little scary! haha I follow you on Twitter, but I'm new to your blog!

    I'm hosting my very first giveaway today. I would love for you to visit my blog.

  3. Tanya!! I didn't know you were a blogger/chemist!! this is fantastic! I'm going to RT the crap out of your posts bc you are hilarious and ppl need to know that :) Love the blog!
